contact lenses

  • A thin plastic lens placed directly on the surface of the eye to correct visual defects
  • (contact lens) A thin lens, made of flexible or rigid plastic, that is placed directly on to the eye to correct vision, used as an alternative to spectacles, or, if coloured, to change one’s eye color cosmetically
  • (Contact lens) A small plastic disc containing an optical correction that is worn directly on the cornea as a substitute for eyeglasses.
  • (contact lens) contact: a thin curved glass or plastic lens designed to fit over the cornea in order to correct vision or to deliver medication


  • A honey-yellow color typical of this substance
  • of a medium to dark brownish yellow color
  • Hard translucent fossilized resin produced by extinct coniferous trees of the Tertiary period, typically yellowish in color
  • a deep yellow color; “an amber light illuminated the room”; “he admired the gold of her hair”
  • A yellow light used as a cautionary signal between green for “go” and red for “stop”
  • a hard yellowish to brownish translucent fossil resin; used for jewelry

amber contact lenses


GoldenFanjita and his sexy amber contact lenses. Honest.

Amber – Contact Lenses Ad

Amber - Contact Lenses Ad
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